Tuesday, March 18, 2014



Welcome to Tuesday!

Monday did not go as well as usual.  I was exhausted so I went to bed early.  I did not hit my daily step goal on Fitbit.com and I am not too happy about it. I also got on the scale and found I have gained three pounds after visiting my Mama this weekend.  It happens every time but it still hurts! :)  I did get my food diary for yesterday completed but I was disappointed in the amount of water I drank.  I did get to review my daily Bible verse but I did not get to meditate on it like I wanted to.

Today is another day.  I have to make a difference after yesterday.  It is icy on the roads so I am working from home today.  I have to get up every few minutes and walk to get some of my steps in. 

I did not find my powdered peanut butter last night so I will probably order some online.  I did start out my day with my Shaklee shake!  Salad is on the menu for lunch... and I am not sure about dinner. I was supposed to go out with my friend Tina but the weather may cancel that.  Who knows.

Well, I need to go moving.  Let's make today count!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Back At It!

Welcome to Monday!

I had my Shaklee shake this morning but I was a little hungry by the time lunch rolled around.  I am sure it was mostly because I was ready to eat my leftover Schezwan noodles from the other day... there wasn't as much in the bowl as I thought. :( I added to it a bag of Lay's Cheesy Garlic Bread chips from the vending machine.... SO not cool! :(

I have not been walking as much today since I did not eat in the cafeteria today.  That usually accounts for about 2000 of my steps each day! I do have to go to Walmart Marketplace to pick up milk and powdered peanut butter for my shake so that will help up the count a little bit. 

It is rainy today (even snowed for a little bit) so I doubt I will get my evening mile in today either.

Jeff is spending the evening working out at his house.  He uses EA Active and even some of the Just Dance video games.  I have been using My Fitness Coach 2 on the Wii. 

I need to get motivated to get moving.  Maybe once the weather gets back to being Spring-ish, I will get back in gear with my exercising.

Daily Verse - March 17

Philippians 4:9 ESV

"What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

Off Track Already?

I was bad and did not blog yesterday.  I cannot allow that to happen much more. 

My blogging is important to me for this journey.  It allows me to go back and see exactly what I did each day AND provide a plan for anyone else who wants to follow this journey as well. 

Yesterday was a decent day EXCEPT I cheated in the morning.

I did not have my Shaklee shake.  I had a sausage egg and cheese crossandwich, hash rounds, and a Dr. Pepper from Burger King.  Of course, I did not eat lunch to make up for it but it was SOOOOO good!  :)  My water intake was WAY off. 

Weekends are always a struggle for me.  I will have to get a handle on finding healthy things to eat that feel like a bit of indulgence!  Anyone have any ideas?

For dinner, I did make Warm and Savoy Thai Wraps with ground turkey and served in Bibb lettuce.  It was REALLY good!  The recipe is on my weight loss recipe board on Pinterest. (The link is to the right.)  Jeff raved over them and took the leftovers for his lunch today. 

We had an afternoon date to see Rain (The Beatles show).  It was VERY good.  He has seen it three times now.  I could do that.  It was almost like having a time machine and getting to live something that was much less important to me back when it was really happening!

It was a little rainy today (how ironic, right?) so I did not get to do a lot of outdoor walking.  After the show, I did drag (yes, I said drag) Jeff to the mall.  Just to get a quick cup of coffee and a few more steps in.

So other than the cheating, it was a good day! But I need to focus and stay on track!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Got Started...

So today was the first day of my new journey.  I was able to meditate for three minutes over the day's verse (in a separate post) and I got to walk this morning AND I had my first Shaklee 180 shake!

I have a ton of energy and I have not even taken my B12 or Vitamin D supplements in at least a week!

My boyfriend, Jeff, is on a fitness journey with me.  We both use Fitbit Flex wristbands and egg each other on to hit our daily goals.  My goal is double his.  He works from home for a technology company and I work from the office for the same company.  I automatically get many more steps than he does but lately he has been blowing my goal out of the water!!!  I suggested to him that he needs to change his goal to match what he is doing!

I hope tomorrow is as great a day as today was.

Day's Verse

Psalm 143:10 ESV
"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!"

Friday, March 14, 2014

Today Is The Day (Before)!

It is time!  Time to get off this plateau.  Time to make a change for the better.  Time to make a difference in everything I do.

Don't get me wrong.  I try not to waste every minute of my life but it never hurts to re-evaluate where you are and what can be changed (hopefully) for the better.

That is where I am.  So I have made a list of things I wish to do to make things better for me and those I love (in no particular order):
  • Being a better Christian
  • Continue my weight loss journey
  • Being a better girlfriend
  • Being a better Mom
  • Be more efficient about eating at home
  • Stretching my budget
  • Creating residual income again
  • Becoming more active
  • Becoming a better employee/worker
Tomorrow is the day I start making a more conscious effort in all of these areas. Will I succeed in all of them?  Who knows?  If I fail in any of them, does that make me a failure?  Of course not! 

What will I tackle first?  The first three things listed are up to bat!

So what is my plan? To daily:
  1. Read and meditate on the daily verse from YouVerse
  2. Start my day with the Shaklee 180 shake
  3. Become more active
Of course, I will be working on various other parts of the list that hopefully overlap.


Here We Go!!!